
Kesa...大约 21 分钟golanggorm

8. Tutorials

8.1 Context

GORM provides Context support, you can use it with method WithContext

8.1.1 Single Session Mode

Single session mode usually used when you want to perform a single operation


8.1.2 Continuous session mode

Continuous session mode usually used when you want to perform a group of operations, for example:

tx := db.WithContext(ctx)
tx.First(&user, 1)
tx.Model(&user).Update("role", "admin")

8.1.3 Context in Hooks/Callbacks

You could access the Context object from current Statement, for example:

func (u *User) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
  ctx := tx.Statement.Context
  // ...

8.1.4 Chi Middleware Example

Continuous session mode which might be helpful when handling API requests, for example, you can set up *gorm.DB with Timeout Context in middlewares, and then use the *gorm.DB when processing all requests

Following is a Chi middleware example:

func SetDBMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
  return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    timeoutContext, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
    ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), "DB", db.WithContext(timeoutContext))
    next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))

r := chi.NewRouter()

r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  db, ok := ctx.Value("DB").(*gorm.DB)

  var users []User

  // lots of db operations

r.Get("/user", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  db, ok := ctx.Value("DB").(*gorm.DB)

  var user User

  // lots of db operations

NOTE Set Context with WithContext is goroutine-safe, refer Sessionopen in new window for details

8.1.5 Logger

Logger accepts Context too, you can use it for log tracking, refer Loggeropen in new window for details

8.2 Error Handling

In Go, error handling is important

You are encouraged to do error check after any Finisher Methodsopen in new window

8.2.1 Error Handling

Error hanling in GORM is different than idiomatic Go code because of its chainable API

If any error occurs, GORM will set *gorm.DB*'s Error field, you need to check it likes this:

if err := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").First(&user).Error; err != nil {
  // error handling...


if result := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").First(&user); result.Error != nil {
  // error handling...

8.2.2 ErrRecordNotFound

GORM returns ErrRecordNotFound when failed to find data with First,Last,Take, if there are several errors happended, you can check the ErrRecordNotFound error with errors.Is

// Check if returns RecordNotFound error
err := db.First(&user, 100).Error
errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound)

8.3 Method Chaining

GORM allows method chaining, so you can write code like this:

db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Where("age = ?", 18).First(&user)

There are three kinds of methods in GORM: Chain Method,Finisher Method,New Session Method

8.3.1 Chain Method

Chain methods are methods to modify or add Clauses to current Statement, like:

Where,Select,Omit,Joins,Scopes,Preload,Raw(Raw can’t be used with other chainable methods to build SQL) …

Here is the full listsopen in new window, also check out the SQL Builderopen in new window for more details about Clauses.

8.3.2 Finisher Mehod

Finishers are immediate methods that execute registered callbacks, which will generate and execute SQL, like those methods:

Create, First, Find, Take, Save, Update, Delete, Scan, Row, Rows

Check out the full listsopen in new window here.

8.3.3 New Session Method

After a nen initialized *gorm.DB or a New Session Method, following methods call will create a new Statement instance instead of using the current one

GORM defined Session,WithContext,Debug methods as New Session Method,refer Sessionopen in new window for more details

db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{})
// db is a new initialized *gorm.DB, which falls under `New Session Mode`
db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Where("age = ?", 18).Find(&users)
// `Where("name = ?", "jinzhu")` is the first method call, it will create a new `Statement`
// `Where("age = ?", 18)` reuses the `Statement`, and adds conditions to the `Statement`
// `Find(&users)` is a finisher, it executes registered Query Callbacks, generates and runs the following SQL:
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'jinzhu' AND age = 18;

db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu2").Where("age = ?", 20).Find(&users)
// `Where("name = ?", "jinzhu2")` is also the first method call, it creates new `Statement` too
// `Where("age = ?", 20)` reuses the `Statement`, and add conditions to the `Statement`
// `Find(&users)` is a finisher, it executes registered Query Callbacks, generates and runs the following SQL:
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'jinzhu2' AND age = 20;

// `Find(&users)` is a finisher method and also the first method call for a `New Session Mode` `*gorm.DB`
// It creates a new `Statement` and executes registered Query Callbacks, generates and runs following SQL:
// SELECT * FROM users;
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{})
// db is a new initialized *gorm.DB, which falls under `New Session Mode`
tx := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu")
// `Where("name = ?", "jinzhu")` is the first method call, it creates a new `Statement` and adds conditions

tx.Where("age = ?", 18).Find(&users)
// `tx.Where("age = ?", 18)` REUSES above `Statement`, and adds conditions to the `Statement`
// `Find(&users)` is a finisher, it executes registered Query Callbacks, generates and runs the following SQL:
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'jinzhu' AND age = 18

tx.Where("age = ?", 28).Find(&users)
// `tx.Where("age = ?", 18)` REUSES above `Statement` also, and add conditions to the `Statement`
// `Find(&users)` is a finisher, it executes registered Query Callbacks, generates and runs the following SQL:
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'jinzhu' AND age = 18 AND age = 28;


In example 2, the first query affected the second generated SQL, as GORM reused the Statement. This might cause unexpected issues, refer to Goroutine Safetyopen in new window for how to avoid it.

8.3.4 Method Chain Safety/Goroutine Safety

Methods will create new Statement instance for new initialized *gorm.DB or after a New Session Method, so to reuse a *gorm.DB you need to make sure they are under New Session Mode

db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{})

// Safe for a new initialized *gorm.DB
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  go db.Where(...).First(&user)

tx := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu")
// NOT Safe as reusing Statement
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  go tx.Where(...).First(&user)

ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
ctxDB := db.WithContext(ctx)
// Safe after a `New Session Method`
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  go ctxDB.Where(...).First(&user)

ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
ctxDB := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").WithContext(ctx)
// Safe after a `New Session Method`
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  go ctxDB.Where(...).First(&user) // `name = 'jinzhu'` will apply to the query

tx := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Session(&gorm.Session{})
// Safe after a `New Session Method`
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  go tx.Where(...).First(&user) // `name = 'jinzhu'` will apply to the query

在并发情形下,一定要注意使用 New Session Mode 以确保线程安全

8.4 Session

GORM provides Session method, which is a New Session Method, it allows to create a new session mode with configuration

// Session Configuration
type Session struct {
  DryRun                   bool
  PrepareStmt              bool
  NewDB                    bool
  SkipHooks                bool
  SkipDefaultTransaction   bool
  DisableNestedTransaction bool
  AllowGlobalUpdate        bool
  FullSaveAssociations     bool
  QueryFields              bool
  CreateBatchSize          int
  Context                  context.Context
  Logger                   logger.Interface
  NowFunc                  func() time.Time

8.4.1 DryRun

Generates SQL without executing. It can be used to prepare or test generated SQL, for example:

// session mode
stmt := db.Session(&Session{DryRun: true}).First(&user, 1).Statement
stmt.SQL.String() //=> SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = $1 ORDER BY `id`
stmt.Vars         //=> []interface{}{1}

// globally mode with DryRun
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{DryRun: true})

// different databases generate different SQL
stmt := db.Find(&user, 1).Statement
stmt.SQL.String() //=> SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = $1 // PostgreSQL
stmt.SQL.String() //=> SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?  // MySQL
stmt.Vars         //=> []interface{}{1}

To generate the final SQL, you could use following code:

// NOTE: the SQL is not always safe to execute, GORM only uses it for logs, it might cause SQL injection
db.Dialector.Explain(stmt.SQL.String(), stmt.Vars...)
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = 1

8.4.2 PrepareStmt

PrepareStmt creates prepared statements where executing any SQL and caches them to speed up future calls

// globally mode, all DB operations will create prepared statements and cache them
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{
  PrepareStmt: true,

// session mode
tx := db.Session(&Session{PrepareStmt: true})
tx.First(&user, 1)
tx.Model(&user).Update("Age", 18)

// returns prepared statements manager
stmtManger, ok := tx.ConnPool.(*PreparedStmtDB)

// close prepared statements for *current session*

// prepared SQL for *current session*
stmtManger.PreparedSQL // => []string{}

// prepared statements for current database connection pool (all sessions)
stmtManger.Stmts // map[string]*sql.Stmt

for sql, stmt := range stmtManger.Stmts {
  sql  // prepared SQL
  stmt // prepared statement
  stmt.Close() // close the prepared statement

8.4.3 NewDB

Create a new DB without conditions with option NewDB

tx := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Session(&gorm.Session{NewDB: true})


tx.First(&user, "id = ?", 10)
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 10 ORDER BY id

// Without option `NewDB`
tx2 := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Session(&gorm.Session{})
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = "jinzhu" ORDER BY id

8.4.4 Skip Hooks

If you want to skip Hooks methods, you can use the SkipHooks session mode, for example:

DB.Session(&gorm.Session{SkipHooks: true}).Create(&user)

DB.Session(&gorm.Session{SkipHooks: true}).Create(&users)

DB.Session(&gorm.Session{SkipHooks: true}).CreateInBatches(users, 100)

DB.Session(&gorm.Session{SkipHooks: true}).Find(&user)

DB.Session(&gorm.Session{SkipHooks: true}).Delete(&user)

DB.Session(&gorm.Session{SkipHooks: true}).Model(User{}).Where("age > ?", 18).Updates(&user)

8.4.5 DisableNestedTransaction

When using Transaction method inside a DB transaction, GORM will use SavePoint(savePointName), RollbackTo(savePointName) to give you the nested transaction support. You can disable it by using DisableNestedTransactionoption

  DisableNestedTransaction: true,
}).CreateInBatches(&users, 100)

8.4.6 AllowGlobalUpdate

GORM doesn’t allow global update/delete by default, will return ErrMissingWhereClause error. You can set this option to true to enable it, for example:

  AllowGlobalUpdate: true,
}).Model(&User{}).Update("name", "jinzhu")
// UPDATE users SET `name` = "jinzhu"

8.4.7 FullSaveAssociations

GORM will auto-save associations and its reference using Upsertopen in new window when creating/updating a record. If you want to update associations’ data, you should use the FullSaveAssociations mode, for example:

db.Session(&gorm.Session{FullSaveAssociations: true}).Updates(&user)
// ...
// INSERT INTO "addresses" (address1) VALUES ("Billing Address - Address 1"), ("Shipping Address - Address 1") ON DUPLICATE KEY SET address1=VALUES(address1);
// INSERT INTO "users" (name,billing_address_id,shipping_address_id) VALUES ("jinzhu", 1, 2);
// INSERT INTO "emails" (user_id,email) VALUES (111, "jinzhu@example.com"), (111, "jinzhu-2@example.com") ON DUPLICATE KEY SET email=VALUES(email);
// ...

8.4.8 Context

With the Context option, you can set the Context for following SQL operations, for example:

timeoutCtx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
tx := db.Session(&Session{Context: timeoutCtx})

tx.First(&user) // query with context timeoutCtx
tx.Model(&user).Update("role", "admin") // update with context timeoutCtx

GORM also provides shortcut method WithContext, here is the definition:

func (db *DB) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DB {
  return db.Session(&Session{Context: ctx})

8.4.9 Logger

Gorm allows customizing built-in logger with the Logger option, for example:

newLogger := logger.New(log.New(os.Stdout, "\r\n", log.LstdFlags),
                SlowThreshold: time.Second,
                LogLevel:      logger.Silent,
                Colorful:      false,
db.Session(&Session{Logger: newLogger})

db.Session(&Session{Logger: logger.Default.LogMode(logger.Silent)})

Checkout Loggeropen in new window for more details.

8.4.10 NowFunc

NowFunc allows changing the function to get current time of GORM, for example:

  NowFunc: func() time.Time {
    return time.Now().Local()

8.4.11 Debug

Debug is a shortcut method to change session’s Logger to debug mode, here is the definition:

func (db *DB) Debug() (tx *DB) {
  return db.Session(&Session{
    Logger:         db.Logger.LogMode(logger.Info),

8.4.12 QueryFields

Select by fields

db.Session(&gorm.Session{QueryFields: true}).Find(&user)
// SELECT `users`.`name`, `users`.`age`, ... FROM `users` // with this option
// SELECT * FROM `users` // without this option

这个设置比较重要,可以避免使用 SELECT *

8.4.13 CreateBatchSize

Default batch size

users = [5000]User{{Name: "jinzhu", Pets: []Pet{pet1, pet2, pet3}}...}

db.Session(&gorm.Session{CreateBatchSize: 1000}).Create(&users)
// INSERT INTO users xxx (5 batches)
// INSERT INTO pets xxx (15 batches)

8.5 Hooks

8.5.1 Object Life Cycle

Hooks are functions that are called before or after creation/quering/updating/deletion

If you have defined specified methods for a model, it will be called automatically when creating, updating, querying, deleting, and if any callback returns an error, GORM will stop future operations and rollback current transaction.

The type of hook methods should be func(*gorm.DB) error

8.5.2 Creating an object

Available hooks for creating

// begin transaction
// save before associations
// insert into database
// save after associations
// commit or rollback transaction

Code Example:

func (u *User) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
  u.UUID = uuid.New()

  if !u.IsValid() {
    err = errors.New("can't save invalid data")

func (u *User) AfterCreate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
  if u.ID == 1 {
    tx.Model(u).Update("role", "admin")

NOTE Save/Delete operations in GORM are running in transactions by default, so changes made in that transaction are not visible until it is committed, if you return any error in your hooks, the change will be rollbacked

func (u *User) AfterCreate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
  if !u.IsValid() {
    return errors.New("rollback invalid user")
  return nil

8.5.3 Updating an object

Available hooks for updating

// begin transaction
// save before associations
// update database
// save after associations
// commit or rollback transaction

Code Example:

func (u *User) BeforeUpdate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
  if u.readonly() {
    err = errors.New("read only user")

// Updating data in same transaction
func (u *User) AfterUpdate(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
  if u.Confirmed {
    tx.Model(&Address{}).Where("user_id = ?", u.ID).Update("verfied", true)

8.5.4 Deleting an object

Available hooks for deleting

// begin transaction
// delete from database
// commit or rollback transaction

Code Example:

// Updating data in same transaction
func (u *User) AfterDelete(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
  if u.Confirmed {
    tx.Model(&Address{}).Where("user_id = ?", u.ID).Update("invalid", false)

8.5.5 Querying an object

Available hooks for querying

// load data from database
// Preloading (eager loading)

Code Example:

func (u *User) AfterFind(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
  if u.MemberShip == "" {
    u.MemberShip = "user"

8.5.6 Modify current operation

func (u *User) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
  // Modify current operation through tx.Statement, e.g:
  tx.Statement.Select("Name", "Age")
  tx.Statement.AddClause(clause.OnConflict{DoNothing: true})

  // tx is new session mode with the `NewDB` option
  // operations based on it will run inside same transaction but without any current conditions
  var role Role
  err := tx.First(&role, "name = ?", user.Role).Error
  // SELECT * FROM roles WHERE name = "admin"
  // ...
  return err

8.6 Transactions

8.6.1 Disable Default Transaction

GORM perform write (create/update/delete) operations run inside a transaction to ensure data consistency, you can disable it during initialization if it is not required, you will gain about 30%+ performance improvement after that

// Globally disable
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{
  SkipDefaultTransaction: true,

// Continuous session mode
tx := db.Session(&Session{SkipDefaultTransaction: true})
tx.First(&user, 1)
tx.Model(&user).Update("Age", 18)

8.6.2 Transaction

To perform a set of operations within a transaction, the general flow is as below

db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
  // do some database operations in the transaction (use 'tx' from this point, not 'db')
  if err := tx.Create(&Animal{Name: "Giraffe"}).Error; err != nil {
    // return any error will rollback
    return err

  if err := tx.Create(&Animal{Name: "Lion"}).Error; err != nil {
    return err

  // return nil will commit the whole transaction
  return nil

8.6.3 Nested Transactions

GORM supports nested transactions, you can rollback a subset of operations performed within the scope of a larger transaction, for example:

db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {

  tx.Transaction(func(tx2 *gorm.DB) error {
    return errors.New("rollback user2") // Rollback user2

  tx.Transaction(func(tx2 *gorm.DB) error {
    return nil

  return nil

// Commit user1, user3

8.6.4 Control the transaction manually

Gorm supports calling transaction control functions (commit / rollback) directly, for example:

// begin a transaction
tx := db.Begin()

// do some database operations in the transaction (use 'tx' from this point, not 'db')

// ...

// rollback the transaction in case of error

// Or commit the transaction

8.6.5 A Specific Example

func CreateAnimals(db *gorm.DB) error {
  // Note the use of tx as the database handle once you are within a transaction
  tx := db.Begin()
  defer func() {
    if r := recover(); r != nil {

  if err := tx.Error; err != nil {
    return err

  if err := tx.Create(&Animal{Name: "Giraffe"}).Error; err != nil {
     return err

  if err := tx.Create(&Animal{Name: "Lion"}).Error; err != nil {
     return err

  return tx.Commit().Error

8.6.6 SavePoint, RollbackTo

GORM provides SavePoint, RollbackTo to save points and roll back to a savepoint, for example:

tx := db.Begin()

tx.RollbackTo("sp1") // Rollback user2

tx.Commit() // Commit user1

8.7 Migration

8.7.1 Auto Migration

Automatically migrate your schema, to keep your schema up to date


AutoMigrate will create tables, missing foreign keys, constraints, columns and indexes. It will change existing column’s type if its size, precision, nullable changed. It WON’T delete unused columns to protect your data.


db.AutoMigrate(&User{}, &Product{}, &Order{})

// Add table suffix when creating tables
db.Set("gorm:table_options", "ENGINE=InnoDB").AutoMigrate(&User{})


AutoMigrate creates database foreign key constraints automatically, you can disable this feature during initialization, for example:

db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{  DisableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating: true,})

8.7.2 Migrator Interface

GORM provides a migrator interface, which contains unified API interfaces for each database that could be used to build your database-independent migrations, for example:

SQLite doesn’t support ALTER COLUMN, DROP COLUMN, GORM will create a new table as the one you are trying to change, copy all data, drop the old table, rename the new table

MySQL doesn’t support rename column, index for some versions, GORM will perform different SQL based on the MySQL version you are using

type Migrator interface {
  // AutoMigrate
  AutoMigrate(dst ...interface{}) error

  // Database
  CurrentDatabase() string
  FullDataTypeOf(*schema.Field) clause.Expr

  // Tables
  CreateTable(dst ...interface{}) error
  DropTable(dst ...interface{}) error
  HasTable(dst interface{}) bool
  RenameTable(oldName, newName interface{}) error

  // Columns
  AddColumn(dst interface{}, field string) error
  DropColumn(dst interface{}, field string) error
  AlterColumn(dst interface{}, field string) error
  HasColumn(dst interface{}, field string) bool
  RenameColumn(dst interface{}, oldName, field string) error
  MigrateColumn(dst interface{}, field *schema.Field, columnType *sql.ColumnType) error
  ColumnTypes(dst interface{}) ([]*sql.ColumnType, error)

  // Constraints
  CreateConstraint(dst interface{}, name string) error
  DropConstraint(dst interface{}, name string) error
  HasConstraint(dst interface{}, name string) bool

  // Indexes
  CreateIndex(dst interface{}, name string) error
  DropIndex(dst interface{}, name string) error
  HasIndex(dst interface{}, name string) bool
  RenameIndex(dst interface{}, oldName, newName string) error

8.7.3 CurrentDatabase

Returns current using database name


8.7.4 Tables

// Create table for `User`

// Append "ENGINE=InnoDB" to the creating table SQL for `User`
db.Set("gorm:table_options", "ENGINE=InnoDB").Migrator().CreateTable(&User{})

// Check table for `User` exists or not

// Drop table if exists (will ignore or delete foreign key constraints when dropping)

// Rename old table to new table
db.Migrator().RenameTable(&User{}, &UserInfo{})
db.Migrator().RenameTable("users", "user_infos")

8.7.5 Columns

type User struct {
  Name string

// Add name field
db.Migrator().AddColumn(&User{}, "Name")
// Drop name field
db.Migrator().DropColumn(&User{}, "Name")
// Alter name field
db.Migrator().AlterColumn(&User{}, "Name")
// Check column exists
db.Migrator().HasColumn(&User{}, "Name")

type User struct {
  Name    string
  NewName string

// Rename column to new name
db.Migrator().RenameColumn(&User{}, "Name", "NewName")
db.Migrator().RenameColumn(&User{}, "name", "new_name")

// ColumnTypes
db.Migrator().ColumnTypes(&User{}) ([]*sql.ColumnType, error)

8.7.6 Constraints

type UserIndex struct {
  Name  string `gorm:"check:name_checker,name <> 'jinzhu'"`

// Create constraint
db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&User{}, "name_checker")

// Drop constraint
db.Migrator().DropConstraint(&User{}, "name_checker")

// Check constraint exists
db.Migrator().HasConstraint(&User{}, "name_checker")

Create foreign keys for relations

type User struct {
  CreditCards []CreditCard

type CreditCard struct {
  Number string
  UserID uint

// create database foreign key for user & credit_cards
db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&User{}, "CreditCards")
db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&User{}, "fk_users_credit_cards")
// ALTER TABLE `credit_cards` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_users_credit_cards` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users`(`id`)

// check database foreign key for user & credit_cards exists or not
db.Migrator().HasConstraint(&User{}, "CreditCards")
db.Migrator().HasConstraint(&User{}, "fk_users_credit_cards")

// drop database foreign key for user & credit_cards
db.Migrator().DropConstraint(&User{}, "CreditCards")
db.Migrator().DropConstraint(&User{}, "fk_users_credit_cards")

8.7.7 Indexes

type User struct {
  Name string `gorm:"size:255;index:idx_name,unique"`

// Create index for Name field
db.Migrator().CreateIndex(&User{}, "Name")
db.Migrator().CreateIndex(&User{}, "idx_name")

// Drop index for Name field
db.Migrator().DropIndex(&User{}, "Name")
db.Migrator().DropIndex(&User{}, "idx_name")

// Check Index exists
db.Migrator().HasIndex(&User{}, "Name")
db.Migrator().HasIndex(&User{}, "idx_name")

type User struct {
  Name  string `gorm:"size:255;index:idx_name,unique"`
  Name2 string `gorm:"size:255;index:idx_name_2,unique"`
// Rename index name
db.Migrator().RenameIndex(&User{}, "Name", "Name2")
db.Migrator().RenameIndex(&User{}, "idx_name", "idx_name_2")

8.7.8 Constraints

GORM creates constraints when auto migrating or creating table, see Constraintsopen in new window or Database Indexesopen in new window for details

8.7.9 Other Migration Tools

GORM’s AutoMigrate works well for most cases, but if you are looking for more serious migration tools, GORM provides a generic DB interface that might be helpful for you.

// returns `*sql.DB`

Refer to Generic Interfaceopen in new window for more details.

8.8 Logger

GORM has a default logger implementationopen in new window, it will print Slow SQL and happening errors by default

The logger accepts few options, you can customize it during initialization

newLogger := logger.New(
  log.New(os.Stdout, "\r\n", log.LstdFlags), // io writer
    SlowThreshold:              time.Second,   // Slow SQL threshold
    LogLevel:                   logger.Silent, // Log level
    IgnoreRecordNotFoundError: true,           // Ignore ErrRecordNotFound error for logger
    Colorful:                  false,          // Disable color

// Globally mode
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{
  Logger: newLogger,

// Continuous session mode
tx := db.Session(&Session{Logger: newLogger})
tx.Model(&user).Update("Age", 18)

8.8.1 Log Levels

GORM defined log levels: Slient,Error,Warn,Info

db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{
  Logger: logger.Default.LogMode(logger.Silent),

8.8.2 Debug

Debug a single operation, change current operation’s log level to logger.Infoopen in new window

db.Debug().Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").First(&User{})

8.8.3 Customize Logger

Refer to GORM’s default loggeropen in new window for how to define your own one

The logger needs to implement the following interface, it accepts context, so you can use it for log tracing

type Interface interface {
  LogMode(LogLevel) Interface
  Info(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
  Warn(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
  Error(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
  Trace(ctx context.Context, begin time.Time, fc func() (sql string, rowsAffected int64), err error)

8.9 Generic Database Interface sql.DB

GORM provides the method DB which returns a generic database interface *sql.DBopen in new window from the current *gorm.DB

// Get generic database object sql.DB to use its functions
sqlDB, err := db.DB()

// Ping

// Close

// Returns database statistics


If the underlying database connection is not a *sql.DB, like in a transaction, it will returns error

8.9.1 Connection Pool

// Get generic database object sql.DB to use its functions
sqlDB, err := db.DB()

// SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.

// SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.

// SetConnMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.

8.10 Performance

GORM optimizes many things to improve the performance, the default performance should goog for most applications, but there are still some tips for how to improve it for your application

8.10.1 Disable Default Transaction

GORM perform write (create/update/delete) operations run inside a transaction to ensure data consistency, which is bad for performance, you can disable it during initialization

db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{
  SkipDefaultTransaction: true,

8.10.2 Caches Prepared Statement

Creates a prepared statement when executing any SQL and caches them to speed up future calls

// Globally mode
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{
  PrepareStmt: true,

// Session mode
tx := db.Session(&Session{PrepareStmt: true})
tx.First(&user, 1)
tx.Model(&user).Update("Age", 18)


Also refer how to enable interpolateparams for MySQL to reduce roundtrip https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#interpolateparamsopen in new window

8.10.3 SQL Builder with PreparedStmt

Prepared Statement works with RAW SQL also, for example:

db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{
  PrepareStmt: true,

db.Raw("select sum(age) from users where role = ?", "admin").Scan(&age)

You can also use GORM API to prepare SQL with DryRun Modeopen in new window, and execute it with prepared statement later, checkout Session Modeopen in new window for details

8.10.4 Select Fields

By default GORM select all fields when quering, you can use Select to specify fields you want

db.Select("Name", "Age").Find(&Users{})

Or define a smaller API struct to use the smart select fields featureopen in new window

type User struct {
  ID     uint
  Name   string
  Age    int
  Gender string
  // hundreds of fields

type APIUser struct {
  ID   uint
  Name string

// Select `id`, `name` automatically when query
// SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `users` LIMIT 10

8.10.5 Iteration/FindInBatches

Query and process records with iteration or in batches

8.10.6 Index Hints

Indexopen in new window is used to speed up data search and SQL query performance. Index Hints gives the optimizer information about how to choose indexes during query processing, which gives the flexibility to choose a more efficient execution plan than the optimizer

import "gorm.io/hints"

// SELECT * FROM `users` USE INDEX (`idx_user_name`)

db.Clauses(hints.ForceIndex("idx_user_name", "idx_user_id").ForJoin()).Find(&User{})
// SELECT * FROM `users` FORCE INDEX FOR JOIN (`idx_user_name`,`idx_user_id`)"

  hints.ForceIndex("idx_user_name", "idx_user_id").ForOrderBy(),
// SELECT * FROM `users` FORCE INDEX FOR ORDER BY (`idx_user_name`,`idx_user_id`) IGNORE INDEX FOR GROUP BY (`idx_user_name`)"

8.10.7 Read/Write Splitting

Increase data throughput through read/write splitting, check out Database Resolveropen in new window

8.11 Customize Data Types

GORM provides few interfaces that allow users to define well-supported customized data types for GORM

8.11.1 Scanner / Valuer

The customized data type has to implement the Scanneropen in new window and Valueropen in new window interfaces, so GORM knowns to how to receive/save it into the database

For example:

type JSON json.RawMessage

// Scan scan value into Jsonb, implements sql.Scanner interface
func (j *JSON) Scan(value interface{}) error {
  bytes, ok := value.([]byte)
  if !ok {
    return errors.New(fmt.Sprint("Failed to unmarshal JSONB value:", value))

  result := json.RawMessage{}
  err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &result)
  *j = JSON(result)
  return err

// Value return json value, implement driver.Valuer interface
func (j JSON) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
  if len(j) == 0 {
    return nil, nil
  return json.RawMessage(j).MarshalJSON()

There are many third party packages implement the Scanner/Valuer interface, which can be used with GORM together, for example:

import (

type Post struct {
  ID     uuid.UUID `gorm:"type:uuid;default:uuid_generate_v4()"`
  Title  string
  Tags   pq.StringArray `gorm:"type:text[]"`

8.11.2 GormDataTypeInterface

GORM will read column’s database type from tagopen in new window type, if not found, will check if the struct implemented interface GormDBDataTypeInterface or GormDataTypeInterface and will use its result as data type

type GormDataTypeInterface interface {
  GormDataType() string

type GormDBDataTypeInterface interface {
  GormDBDataType(*gorm.DB, *schema.Field) string

The result of GormDataType will be used as the general data type and can be obtained from schema.Field‘s field DataType, which might be helpful when writing pluginsopen in new window or hooksopen in new window for example:

func (JSON) GormDataType() string {
  return "json"

type User struct {
  Attrs JSON

func (user User) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) {
  field := tx.Statement.Schema.LookUpField("Attrs")
  if field.DataType == "json" {
    // do something

GormDBDataType usually returns the right data type for current driver when migrating, for example:

func (JSON) GormDBDataType(db *gorm.DB, field *schema.Field) string {
  // use field.Tag, field.TagSettings gets field's tags
  // checkout https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm/blob/master/schema/field.go for all options

  // returns different database type based on driver name
  switch db.Dialector.Name() {
  case "mysql", "sqlite":
    return "JSON"
  case "postgres":
    return "JSONB"
  return ""

If the struct hasn’t implemented the GormDBDataTypeInterface or GormDataTypeInterface interface, GORM will guess its data type from the struct’s first field, for example, will use string for NullString

type NullString struct {
  String string // use the first field's data type
  Valid  bool

type User struct {
  Name NullString // data type will be string

8.11.3 GormValuerInterface

GORM provides a GormValuerInterface interface, which can allow to create/update from SQL Expr or value based on context, for example:

// GORM Valuer interface
type GormValuerInterface interface {
  GormValue(ctx context.Context, db *gorm.DB) clause.Expr

8.11.4 Create/Update from SQL Expr

type Location struct {
  X, Y int

func (loc Location) GormDataType() string {
  return "geometry"

func (loc Location) GormValue(ctx context.Context, db *gorm.DB) clause.Expr {
  return clause.Expr{
    SQL:  "ST_PointFromText(?)",
    Vars: []interface{}{fmt.Sprintf("POINT(%d %d)", loc.X, loc.Y)},

// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface
func (loc *Location) Scan(v interface{}) error {
  // Scan a value into struct from database driver

type User struct {
  ID       int
  Name     string
  Location Location

  Name:     "jinzhu",
  Location: Location{X: 100, Y: 100},
// INSERT INTO `users` (`name`,`point`) VALUES ("jinzhu",ST_PointFromText("POINT(100 100)"))

db.Model(&User{ID: 1}).Updates(User{
  Name:  "jinzhu",
  Location: Location{X: 100, Y: 100},
// UPDATE `user_with_points` SET `name`="jinzhu",`location`=ST_PointFromText("POINT(100 100)") WHERE `id` = 1

You can also create/update with SQL Expr from map, checkout Create From SQL Expropen in new window and Update with SQL Expressionopen in new window for details

8.11.5 Value based on Context

If you want to create or update a value depends on current context, you can also implements the GormValuerInterface interface, for example:

type EncryptedString struct {
  Value string

func (es EncryptedString) GormValue(ctx context.Context, db *gorm.DB) (expr clause.Expr) {
  if encryptionKey, ok := ctx.Value("TenantEncryptionKey").(string); ok {
    return clause.Expr{SQL: "?", Vars: []interface{}{Encrypt(es.Value, encryptionKey)}}
  } else {
    db.AddError(errors.New("invalid encryption key"))


8.11.6 Clause Expression

If you want to build some query helpers, you can make a struct that implements the clause.Expression interface:

type Expression interface {
  Build(builder Builder)

Checkout JSONopen in new window and SQL Builderopen in new window for details, the following is an example of usage:

// Generates SQL with clause Expression
db.Find(&user, datatypes.JSONQuery("attributes").HasKey("role"))
db.Find(&user, datatypes.JSONQuery("attributes").HasKey("orgs", "orga"))

// MySQL
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.role') IS NOT NULL
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.orgs.orga') IS NOT NULL

// PostgreSQL
// SELECT * FROM "user" WHERE "attributes"::jsonb ? 'role'
// SELECT * FROM "user" WHERE "attributes"::jsonb -> 'orgs' ? 'orga'

db.Find(&user, datatypes.JSONQuery("attributes").Equals("jinzhu", "name"))
// MySQL
// SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.name') = "jinzhu"

// PostgreSQL
// SELECT * FROM "user" WHERE json_extract_path_text("attributes"::json,'name') = 'jinzhu'

8.11.7 Customized Data Types Collections

We created a Github repo for customized data types collections https://github.com/go-gorm/datatypesopen in new window

8.12 Scopes

Scopes allow you to re-use commonly used logic, the shared logic needs to be defined as type func(*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB

8.12.1 Query

Scope examples for querying

func AmountGreaterThan1000(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return db.Where("amount > ?", 1000)

func PaidWithCreditCard(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return db.Where("pay_mode = ?", "card")

func PaidWithCod(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return db.Where("pay_mode = ?", "cod")

func OrderStatus(status []string) func (db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return func (db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    return db.Scopes(AmountGreaterThan1000).Where("status IN (?)", status)

db.Scopes(AmountGreaterThan1000, PaidWithCreditCard).Find(&orders)
// Find all credit card orders and amount greater than 1000

db.Scopes(AmountGreaterThan1000, PaidWithCod).Find(&orders)
// Find all COD orders and amount greater than 1000

db.Scopes(AmountGreaterThan1000, OrderStatus([]string{"paid", "shipped"})).Find(&orders)
// Find all paid, shipped orders that amount greater than 1000

8.12.2 Pagination

func Paginate(r *http.Request) func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return func (db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.Query("page"))
    if page == 0 {
      page = 1

    pageSize, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.Query("page_size"))
    switch {
    case pageSize > 100:
      pageSize = 100
    case pageSize <= 0:
      pageSize = 10

    offset := (page - 1) * pageSize
    return db.Offset(offset).Limit(pageSize)


8.12.3 Dynamically Table

Use Scopes to dynamically set the query Table

func TableOfYear(user *User, year int) func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    tableName := user.TableName() + strconv.Itoa(year)
    return db.Table(tableName)

DB.Scopes(TableOfYear(user, 2019)).Find(&users)
// SELECT * FROM users_2019;

DB.Scopes(TableOfYear(user, 2020)).Find(&users)
// SELECT * FROM users_2020;

// Table form different database
func TableOfOrg(user *User, dbName string) func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    tableName := dbName + "." + user.TableName()
    return db.Table(tableName)

DB.Scopes(TableOfOrg(user, "org1")).Find(&users)
// SELECT * FROM org1.users;

DB.Scopes(TableOfOrg(user, "org2")).Find(&users)
// SELECT * FROM org1.users;

8.12.4 Updates

Scope examples for updating/deleting

func CurOrganization(r *http.Request) func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return func (db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    org := r.Query("org")

    if org != "" {
      var organization Organization
      if db.Session(&Session{}).First(&organization, "name = ?", org).Error == nil {
        return db.Where("org_id = ?", organization.ID)

    db.AddError("invalid organization")
    return db

db.Model(&article).Scopes(CurOrganization(r)).Update("Name", "name 1")
// UPDATE articles SET name = "name 1" WHERE org_id = 111
// DELETE FROM articles WHERE org_id = 111

8.13 Conventions

8.13.1 ID as Primary Key

GORM uses the field with the name ID as the tables’s primary key by default

type User struct {
  ID   string // field named `ID` will be used as a primary field by default
  Name string

You can set other fields as primary key with tag primaryKey

// Set field `UUID` as primary field
type Animal struct {
  ID     int64
  UUID   string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
  Name   string
  Age    int64

8.13.2 Pluralized Table Name

GORM pluralizes struct name to snake_cases as table name, for struct User, its table name is users by convention


You can change the default table name by implementing the Tabler interface

type Tabler interface {
  TableName() string

// TableName overrides the table name used by User to `profiles`
func (User) TableName() string {
  return "profiles"


TableName doesn’t allow dynamic name, its result will be cached for future, to use dynamic name, you can use Scopes

func UserTable(user User) func (tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
  return func (tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    if user.Admin {
      return tx.Table("admin_users")

    return tx.Table("users")


Temporarily specify a name

Temporarily specify table name with Table method, for example:

// Create table `deleted_users` with struct User's fields

// Query data from another table
var deletedUsers []User
// SELECT * FROM deleted_users;

db.Table("deleted_users").Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Delete(&User{})
// DELETE FROM deleted_users WHERE name = 'jinzhu';

Check out From SubQueryopen in new window for how to use SubQuery in FROM clause


GORM allows users change the default naming conventions by overriding the default NamingStrategy, which is used to build TableName, ColumnName, JoinTableName, RelationshipFKName, CheckerName, IndexName, Check out GORM Configopen in new window for details

8.13.3 Column Name

Column name uses the field’s name’s snake_case by convention

type User struct {
  ID        uint      // column name is `id`
  Name      string    // column name is `name`
  Birthday  time.Time // column name is `birthday`
  CreatedAt time.Time // column name is `created_at`

You can override the column name with tag column or use NamingStrategyopen in new window

type Animal struct {
  AnimalID int64     `gorm:"column:beast_id"`         // set name to `beast_id`
  Birthday time.Time `gorm:"column:day_of_the_beast"` // set name to `day_of_the_beast`
  Age      int64     `gorm:"column:age_of_the_beast"` // set name to `age_of_the_beast`

8.13.4 Timestamp Tracking


For models having CreatedAt field, the field will be set to the current time when the record is first created if its value is zero

db.Create(&user) // set `CreatedAt` to current time

user2 := User{Name: "jinzhu", CreatedAt: time.Now()}
db.Create(&user2) // user2's `CreatedAt` won't be changed

// To change its value, you could use `Update`
db.Model(&user).Update("CreatedAt", time.Now())


For models having UpdatedAt field, the field will be set to the current time when the record is updated or created if its value is zero

db.Save(&user) // set `UpdatedAt` to current time

db.Model(&user).Update("name", "jinzhu") // will set `UpdatedAt` to current time

db.Model(&user).UpdateColumn("name", "jinzhu") // `UpdatedAt` won't be changed

user2 := User{Name: "jinzhu", UpdatedAt: time.Now()}
db.Create(&user2) // user2's `UpdatedAt` won't be changed when creating

user3 := User{Name: "jinzhu", UpdatedAt: time.Now()}
db.Save(&user3) // user3's `UpdatedAt` will change to current time when updating

NOTE GORM supports having multiple time tracking fields and track with UNIX (nano/milli) seconds, checkout Modelsopen in new window for more details

8.14 Settings

GORM provides Set,Get,InstanceSet,InstanceGet methods allow users pass values to hooks or other methods

GORM uses this for some features, like pass creating table options when migratinig table

// Add table suffix when creating tables
db.Set("gorm:table_options", "ENGINE=InnoDB").AutoMigrate(&User{})

8.14.1 Set/Get

Use Set / Get pass settings to hooks methods, for example:

type User struct {
  CreditCard CreditCard
  // ...

func (u *User) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
  myValue, ok := tx.Get("my_value")
  // ok => true
  // myValue => 123

type CreditCard struct {
  // ...

func (card *CreditCard) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
  myValue, ok := tx.Get("my_value")
  // ok => true
  // myValue => 123

myValue := 123
db.Set("my_value", myValue).Create(&User{})

8.14.2 InstanceSet/InstanceGet

Use InstanceSet / InstanceGet pass settings to current *Statement‘s hooks methods, for example:

type User struct {
  CreditCard CreditCard
  // ...

func (u *User) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
  myValue, ok := tx.InstanceGet("my_value")
  // ok => true
  // myValue => 123

type CreditCard struct {
  // ...

// When creating associations, GORM creates a new `*Statement`, so can't read other instance's settings
func (card *CreditCard) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error {
  myValue, ok := tx.InstanceGet("my_value")
  // ok => false
  // myValue => nil

myValue := 123
db.InstanceSet("my_value", myValue).Create(&User{})


  1. gorm
  2. What is the difference between Find and Scan, Can I replace Scan with Findopen in new window grom issue
  3. What is the syntax for SELECT IN statement for SQLITE?open in new window stackoverflow
  4. SQLite FULL OUTER JOIN Emulationopen in new window sqlitetutorial
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